I'm going to work, work, work!
-Be more organised. I am planning out ALL of my projects for 2017 with a set schedule. I am currently searching for a big yearly wall planner that doesn't look all office- like. If someone knows of one, please let me know!
-Finish some damn art and projects! I have a lot of those pieces that are in-between the excitement stage of starting or finishing a painting. For me, it's hard to keep going because I get a new shiny bright idea and want to move onto the next thing. I need to stay focussed! And when a piece is half finished it doesn't look much good. Because it's not finished! I have to remind myself that that is the reason why, and not because it's a failed piece. Over this break I have picked a few old pieces up and finished them. My studio is smelling of varnish :) We also finished a couple of mosaic projects that I started ages ago with the kids.
-Stress less. I am a big stresser! I need to chill out and go with the flow more. I think being more organised and structured with my work will help, as I will not have to worry about how much I can get done. I need to enjoy my work more and realise I can only get done what I can get done in a day. And take breaks. Breaks are the best refreshers.
-I would like to say I will stick to a regular sketch book session and get back into exercise (I did start yoga again at the end of 2016), but whoa, one thing at a time! We'll see! (This year we have finally talked the Mr. Man into getting a pooch that will need to be walked.)
-My areas of focus this year are: improving my illustration skills through a MATS course that I'm currently taking (blog post coming soon), stick with creative blogging & tutorials, creating ranges of jewellery, and create lots and lots of art.
Creating some pendants for jewellery
A pile of artwork on my desk.. some need finishing!
I think these are attainable goals for the new year. I'm not a big fan of resolutions but for now I'm feeling the excitement of beginning a new year and am going to use that excitement to make some changes that I'm motivated to make.
I'll let you know how I go!!
Here's hoping 2017 is the best yet and you're motivated & excited too.
And apologies for the overuse of exclamation marks in this post!!
Jules :)