December 27, 2013

Art Jam- WOOOOO!!

Love Art Jam. One of my local arty buddies and I get together once a week when possible and have an "Art Jam"... we bring our current project, or start something new and just work together. It keeps us motivated and it is so easy to just stay in the studio and work when you have company. Especially when the company is great :)

I am happy with my work this evening, I finished a mermaid painting that is destined to become a print. The thing I like about this one is it could be for adults or kids... I certainly love mermaids and painterly pictures... and I love creating sweet pictures with kids in mind also. This sweet, innocent mermaid picture is trying to balance the weight of the imagery out there aimed at children; there are no stilettos or slightly cool or sultry looks here. Yes, I am having a dig at mainstream toy developers! Lets keep the beauty and innocence in our children's lives. After all, what's the rush for them to grow up? Stay magical :) Rediscover that magical feeling when you look into the mermaids world... ahhhh. 

I was up this morning at a ridiculous hour scratching mozzie bites that I acquired Christmas day. So I went in the studio and worked on these two little pieces. Something about sweet, happy and innocent imagery going on today. Difficult to take photos at this time of night without getting reflection off the pieces too, so sorry about the angles of the shots. 

Time for me to go to bed now. G'night.

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