May 04, 2020

Marbled River Rocks

Today I am showing you a Marbled River Rocks garden craft! It's a fun & easy DIY, and a great way to get more colour into your garden.

You can watch my youtube video below for this craft, or you can keep reading below.

Start with some smooth river rocks spray painted white and some Easy Marble paints. Easy Marble paints are waterproof and lightfast; which make them perfect to use for a project that will be outdoors in the elements.

*For my fellow Aussies you can buy Easy Marble paints through Art House Direct

You take a container large enough to fit your rocks in, fill with water and drop 2-3 of your chosen colours into it. The paints will sit on the surface of the water.

Take a stick and swirl the paint around. It dries pretty quickly so I tried to work fast.

Take one of your river rocks and submerge it into the water. Before you pull the rock back out, swish any extra paint still floating on the surface of the water away from the rock so you don't get a double-up of colour on its way out. Also, make sure you're wearing gloves: the safety recommendations for the paint states that you should avoid skin contact.

Ta da! Once you've marbled one rock, use a scrap piece of cardboard to lift any remaining paint out from the water surface ready to marble another rock. Make as many rocks as you want!

Someone had fun placing them in the garden!

Jules :)

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