June 14, 2017

Winter Time...

This is a Wintery post! Winter is here in Oz and while it's quite mild compared to other parts of the world (ie. it doesn't snow at our house), I'm still complaining and my feet hurt! But even though winter is my least favourite month I still try to be grateful of the wintery things we get to enjoy: nice warming meals, being cosy and warm rugged up inside, guilt- free movies, winter crafts, and the different textures and layering of clothes. Hello scarves.

As far as crafts go, rug hooking would have to be most at home during the winter months. My Mum recently found these rug hooking tools which belonged to my Great Grandmother. I've never used a proper rug hooking tool before, only a crochet hook (as in this post), but it will be fun to try and work out how to use the ones where you thread the needle up. I envisage watching many youtube videos showing just how to do it. They look like a much more efficient way of creating rug hooked projects. I wish I knew what my Great Grandmother made with them.

We set up our winter seasonal appreciation table yesterday (only a couple of weeks late). The kids felt Autumn wasn't quite done with anyway, as they pointed out Autumn leaves are still lying around. I don't usually buy anything new for the table; we seem to find enough things around the house. We go through craft supplies, decorations, jewellery, collections, toys, books; we have that book there which goes through the seasons so it's a great starter for our table. The kids are invited to add their own touches: found treasures, things from nature, or their own crafty or arty decorations.

Decorating the seasonal table is becoming a favourite tradition in our household. 

I made the wintery felt lady one night to add to the table. Miss 8 is working on one of her own, but it's not quite finished yet.

And while I'm on the subject of talking things textiles, this next photo is of a stamped fabric panel I have made that are destined for some new bags that I am having made. I can't wait to see them finished. 

If it's winter time where you are I hope you're surviving the cold. 

Might be time for a warm drink...

Jules :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes...wintery celebrations! Your table is far more inspiring of appreciation than ours �� Looking fwd to your great grandmother channeling some rug hooking love to you X


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