April 26, 2017

A Cool Kids Art Project: Paint A Graffiti Wall!

Wall mural, kids art, mural, painting, graffiti wall

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A rainy day off school saw us painting on our graffiti art wall which we haven't worked on for a very long time. It's a really fun, exciting and creative art project to do with the kids!

I love our graffiti wall! One which I join in with them too.

We have a dedicated wall for this. It's on one wall in our hallway. I must say it's getting a little easier as the kids get older to work on it. It was a bit tricky in the past when they were younger trying to tell them, "no we don't paint or draw on any other walls... except this one!" A concept sometimes hard to grasp for little ones. (They're going to draw on the walls anyway, right!?)

I don't like to have rules during art time, but here are some of my guidelines ;)

- It's this wall & this wall only! 

- You may paint over old work if you want to. That's the whole point of the graffiti wall! But respect the new work that someone else is doing.

- For the parents: breathe, it's only paint!! You can always paint over it one day.

- Wear old clothes and an art smock. It can get messy.

This might not work so great in a carpeted area. This is an "at your own risk project"! Luckily we have vinyl wood flooring, so any spilled paint can be soaked and scrubbed away.

Hints for working on a graffiti wall:

- Use coloured pencils to make initial drawings. If you use water soluble ones, any mistakes can be wiped off worth a damp rag. 

- Use cost effective student grade acrylic paints.  When the kids were younger I used washable poster paint like these ones, because the paint had a tendency to spread through the house...

- Set everything up you need before starting: paints, palettes (one each), brushes, washing up water and rags.

- Make your art larger! This is quite tricky for my youngest to grasp, she still makes some little tiny drawings on the wall, but that's ok. I just let her go and do her own creative thing :)

- You need more paint squeezed out onto your palette for working in a larger area. 

- Try different sized brushes to see how it works. You may find you like a bigger brush than you thought you would. Again, student quality brushes are fine for this project.

- get involved and paint with your kids too.

Some ideas to try:

- Dripping paint

- Painting words

- Your fave animal

- Patterns & shapes: dots, spots, lines, flowers, stars, leaves

- Hand prints are super fun!

- Paint an image from a photo or book

- Paint yourself

It's also a chance to teach about some colour mixing. 

When we started out painting this graffiti art wall, it was during the day when my husband was at work. What a nice surprise he got when we got home! (I reminded him that he did marry an artist!)

I hope you enjoyed checking out our graffiti art wall. A super fun kids art project that is never ending. Update and repaint when the urge strikes.

Are you brave enough!?

Jules :)

*Affiliate Information: Affliliate links help me earn small commissions on products (at no extra cost to you), which helps support my love of blogging and sharing creative things. I only ever recommend or link to products that I'd use.

1 comment:

  1. I used to do this with mine. Lovely post Jules, I think more people should let their kids do this!x


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