June 20, 2018

New Art: Sculpture

Hello Creativity Lovers! I have some new art to share today in the form of a sculpture.

I was driven to create a piece that was elaborate and detailed. As I was making it I was thinking about the woman holding the cheetah creature, who also seems to represent a child, with its naive face and it got me thinking about the things we are connected to. We care for the extensions of ourselves in our lives; children or animals, and we are bound and tied to them in bittersweet ways. 

The Ties That Bind Us or; Nurture

The binding is represented by the entwining black beads around the woman's leg, keeping her in a place that sometimes feels restrictive, but ultimately, it's where she wants to be.

It's a mixed media art piece that was made used paper mache, air dry clay, plaster, gauze, wire, beads, wool, fabric and acrylic paint. It's also a shout out to my love of crazy colour, texture, and maximalism.

I think this 3D art/ sculpture has got me all excited about a new way of working, and my mind is flooded with imagery of possibilities. I have signed up for a ceramics class next term to keep this 3D art & sculpture thread going, and am excited to see where that leads.

Hope you enjoyed checking out my latest project.

Jules :)