November 29, 2016

It's a Colourful Creative Life

Recently we attended a dress up party. What happens when you have to go to a dress up party and you have been too busy to organise a costume? You raid the kids dress up box, that's what! 
"We're all mad here" -Alice in Wonderland.
Here's some more colour for you... Miss 6 creating some art that I was intrigued by. I was loving what she was doing. The fish was a bit of a dud creation that I made one day, so I let her use it.
And then I noticed she put pearls in her clam shells! Oh, how they surprise you!
And I have some ace news that I can't wait to share! It's a new crafty collaboration. My studio has been turned into a glitter and pom pom shrine :) It's so fun to be getting crafty lately. I will share very soon!

Plus, I have signed up for a MATS class (make art that sells). It's run by Lilla Rogers, an art agent in the US, and it's a professional course for illustrators wishing to take their work a step further and push the boundaries and learn more about the illustration industry in specific areas. Considering I've been out of the industry for almost ten years it will be a good kick start for me. And fun! Just because I love making art and learning. There's always something to learn. I'm just a bit concerned about who will do all the housework and cooking here though, as I just want to create art!

So I will share my MATS journey here. The MATS A class that I chose focusses on creating illustrations & learning about the markets for bolt fabric, home decor, children's picture books, wall art & gift.

Can't wait!

Jules :)

November 27, 2016

Illustration Friday: Tape

This weeks Illustration Friday topic was 'Tape'. I used to use these topics all the time as prompts for creating art for no other purpose than to create art. Usually in my sketch book, which I couldn't happen to find today, so a piece of cartridge paper it was! (My studio is such a mess.)
This happy little lady is celebrating her love of washi tape. I love washi tape! I used washi tape in the first layer of this piece. It was just a quick one today, and I think it sort of has that 'mixed media art' feel to it. Yay for washi tape!

Jules :)

November 24, 2016

Kids (Girls) Christmas Gifts

I'm starting to think about Christmas shopping for my two little human- chickens. It can't all be Beanie- Boos and Pokemon cards. *rolls eyes*

Now, I have two girls here, so I've been searching for toys that they would like.

This post contains affiliate links (see bottom of post for explanation).

We, since last year, have taken on the lovely Icelandic tradition of giving a book on Christmas Eve. I wanted to get a couple of well thought about book purchases. I decided and have ordered these two:

The Mouse Mansion for Miss 6. This book looks really intriguing and Miss 6 might just have to fight me for a look on Christmas Eve. I hope it spurs some future crafting & model making! 
Ivy + Bean for Miss 8. I'm not recommending these yet as we haven't read them, but they seem to have a lot of high ratings. The bonus journal will be a hit with my journal/ notebook/ stationary obsessed girl!

I'd love for Santa to pop some Djeco items into their stockings or under the tree. They make really great craft/ art kits. They are well designed and thought out, and look really effective when made up. Their puzzles (we have a couple here) have thought provoking imagery and look very arty and decorative.
I will also be happy for santa to pop some Pure Poppet natural nail polish, water based and non toxic in their stockings :)

Miss 8 has been asking for a Maileg (link to an Australian supplier) bunny now for ages. They sell them in one of our local 'nice' toyshops, and they have all these sweet little outfits that you can buy for them. 
I'd also like to find some time to 'make-under' some Bratz dolls (which have been hiding in my cupboard for a while, I've been picking them up from Op Shops randomly) into Tree Change Dolls if I find the time and motivation! Sonia, who started this whole thing up has generously supplied how-to videos of how to make your very own.

Of course, the girls have written their own lists, but I always do like to find some nice special toys that aren't all plastic-y and dare I say it, wasteful. (Oh the packaging on some toys is so excessive.)

Jules :)

*Affiliate Information: Affliliate links help me earn small commissions on products (at no extra cost to you), which helps support my love of blogging and sharing creative things. I only ever recommend or link to products that I'm genuinely into.

November 21, 2016

Illustration Friday- Spider

Last weeks Illustration Friday topic was 'spider'.

I did a quick sketch book entry for this one.
And I was thinking about spiders whilst I was creating. And my over-the-top fear I have for them! So creepy. Especially the big huntsman types that like to visit us in our homes, or the whitetails that like to hide in our clothes on the floor. Ugh! We also have a few redback spiders lurking out in the garage that we have to be careful of. I don't think many Aussies go willy-nilly grabbing at old dusty stuff in their garages without being slightly cautious! 
On a particular girls trip to Warburton we encountered a previously settled in guest in one of the bedrooms. We elected to leave it to have the whole room to itself and slept in the lounge room instead ;)
I hope the next time I feel inclined to do an Illustration Friday topic it's one that I feel a bit warmer towards.

Go on, tell me in the comments; spiders: love or loathe?

Jules :)

*Daddy-long-legs are excluded from the freaky spider category ;)

November 18, 2016

New Art Prints

I'm so happy to announce that the whole set of my latest range of animal artworks are available as prints now in the shop! We have an insightful owl, a cheeky bunny, a playful bird, and a sleepy kitty cat. I hope you like them :)
Jules :)

November 17, 2016

30 Minute Sketch Book/ Art Journal Activity

Creating art in my sketch book/ Art Journaling; whatever you like to call it is one of my favourite things to do. I really should do it more often! It's a place to be free. You don't have to show anyone your results. It's a place to have fun and play. Try it, if you want to, even if you don't consider yourself to be arty or the creative sort.
My Sister in law was over recently and we all painted pictures together. She doesn't paint or consider herself creative, but has dabbled in a few crafty projects here and there. She had a really good time painting, because it's just plain fun.

So grab a sketch book or art journal and get going!

You need: Sketch Book/ Art Journal, Acrylic Paints, Medium (optional; I use gloss medium), Golden Acrylic Ground for Pastels, Coloured Pencil, and of course some paintbrushes, and a hairdryer if you want to speed things up and keep to that half hour.

First, I covered the whole page. Just use colour here, no white or black. Use your favourites or whatever you are drawn to use. I like to add a bit of medium to my paint, but you can add water, or just straight paint. Keep it mid tones, so not too light; not too dark.
Cover, cover, cover that paper! Yay!

Then I dried it with a hair dryer, then coated it with Golden Acrylic Ground for Pastels. This gives the surface a nice grip so you can draw over the top with pencil. If your paints are very matte (I find Jo Sonja's colours to be matte and I'm happy with the quality of this paint) or you have used water to thin your paint, then you may be able to skip this step. Dry with hairdryer.

Next, draw some shapes. I just quickly drew some flowers. But, draw anything you like here. Crystals, a tiger, a paper boat...

Then I started focussing in on the negative space. I coloured a bit in using the same pencil I drew my shapes with. You could use a different colour, or a mix of colours. I'm all about individuality, play and experimenting... :)
I then washed down some white paint and painted in the rest of the negative space. Some parts are thicker than others and I think that's the beauty of it. 
And there you have it, fun! I'd love to see if you use this prompt to create something in your sketch book or journal.
Jules :)

November 14, 2016

Instagram Loves

I love Instagram. And I love to share other people's work too.

Here are some creative art accounts that I am swooning over at the moment.

Becky Blair. Beautiful, amazing work with a soothing quality. I think the blurry elements she places in her paintings make me feel soothed.
Frances Ryan is an Artist living in Ireland. I especially love the contrast between elements in her paintings. Such as intricate little details next to an expanse of flat space.
I really enjoy all the fun and colour on Lori Siebert's account. There's a lot of really fun energy flowing out of her Instagram feed.
Jill Mayberg. The texture and colour! And the texture and colour! No, that's not a typo, I just needed to say it twice! :)
And Bandicoot Art. These works kind of remind me of doodles. If you happen to be a top-class professional doodler, that is. Seriously, it's really intriguing art with a naive feel. And the works have got that textural quality. And colour. You know I love texture & colour.
Ahh, Instagram. My fave of all the social media beasts.

Hope you enjoyed that line up.

Jules :)

November 13, 2016

New Cushion

Just listed this new cushion in the shop. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. It started life as a doodle in a sketch book. It feels amazing to create something where there was nothing before. 
And I'm so taken by the indigo blue colour at the moment. I'm a bit like that; I go through colour phases. My kids get upset because I never have a definite answer for them when they ask me what's my favourite colour :) 
I hope you like it. I love making things to pretty up homes.

Jules x

November 09, 2016

Recent Art & Creativeness

So I'm really quite busy at the moment! No time to upload new products into the shop or get it out there properly, as I'm in a buzz of meeting deadlines and creating. But I thought I would show you a few recent pics of what's been happening. I will be back soon with new products in the shop and show you all my new goodies soon, promise! 
Jules :)

November 05, 2016

New: Cat Dreams Art Print

I really had fun making this one and I'm wanting to make a lot more like it.

You know what, I tried to make a less busy artwork here, but as always, I went crazy and just kept adding more and more things! I think I just need to accept that that's part of my process. More is more, right!?

Miss 6 is a bit kitty obsessed, but unfortunately, we won't be getting a cat as we are all about the Australian native birds here. I'm longing for a dog, really.

Available as a print now in my Etsy shop.

Happy weekend!

Jules x

November 04, 2016

Book Review: Art Lab For Kids

Art Lab For Kids (affiliate link)

Today I'm reviewing Art Lab For Kids by Susan Schwake. And we took one of the projects for a road test!

Art Lab For Kids is a practical art book with projects grouped by medium. The sections are painting, printmaking, paper, and mixed media.

I liked the important notes at the beginning, such as how to ask a question about a child's piece of artwork. Using thoughtful language such as "tell me about your painting", rather than asking "what is that?" is more respectful. And suggesting promoting fearlessness when it comes to creating art; something I'm still working on! But kids are better at this concept.

I like that the book includes gelatine plate printing, which is a really effective and fun project for kids. (I will have to do it here on the blog one day.)

Art Lab For Kids promotes play and exploring, and shows artists' examples along the way.

As an artist myself, I found myself wanting to explore the fun and interesting methods alongside my kids. The materials used throughout are easily accessible and if you're already a bit arty you will probably have most things at home already.

We chose one of the projects in the book to do, which was watercolour shapes. Here are our results:
Other projects that look interesting within the book that I'd like to try out is plastic printing (where you use plastic on top of painting to gain effects), charcoal drawing combined with acrylic paints, and vellum drawing, which is creating an artwork incorporating some semi- transparent paper.

Then again, art projects are what I could do all day :)

Jules :)

Disclaimer: Affliliate links help me earn small commissions on products (at no extra cost to you), which helps support my love of blogging and sharing creative things. I only ever recommend or link to products that I'm genuinely into.