May 22, 2015

Recently Discovered Art That Inspires Me

The internet is amazing for searching for new art that I love, and I have recently come across three artists that have just blown my mind. I am so inspired by these ladies to really get into 3D work. I'd love to dive right in now, but my time constraints at the moment might hold that off for a little longer. (Boo! Who cares, maybe I'll just start!?)

I can spend hours pinning art and looking at art online, so it's always surprising when I discover new art that I really love that I've never seen before. And also, with the highly saturated amount of work online, the art's really got to be good to stand out from the crowd.

Funnily enough these artists are Australian. It must be something about our unique quirkiness that has spawned these fabulous artists. You know there's a weird sense of humour that goes on here..!

I love both of these artists for their use of a wide range of materials and skills. The cramming of lots of bits and pieces into one creation to make a coherent artwork. We have so much 'stuff' & clutter in our lives today; but I feel these works are a celebration of that. I get excited by these pieces, I am awe inspired by the amount of work gone into them. I love their weirdness.

One day I hope to see some of them in real life.

The first artist is Kate Rohde. Her resin work and attention to detail is amazing.

The second are two artists working together: Pip & Pop. These pictures are from their exhibition "We Miss You Magic Land!" They make me laugh and gasp, and they seem to look like work that has come from being in a toy-shop-candy coma. I love that I can see cheap materials in there; like squishy foam and sand that kids would play with, plastic beads, and pipe cleaners. There are pipe cleaners in there aren't there!? LOVE.

And now that my inspiration bucket is full (it's overflowing), I have a kid free day and I am going to immerse myself in creativity of some sort. And totally ignore the messy house, that can always wait, right?

Much inspiration to you!


May 12, 2015

Finding Space

Some time today was set aside for finishing my latest painting. When I started this painting I was in one of those manic states (that I happen to get into sometimes- in an arty way) where creativity was overflowing and I just had to paint. Even though I was tired and really should've gone to bed! The motion of the pastel, paint and brushes were quick and flowing. No thought was needed to begin- it just happened. Coffee fuelled hurried work! Just get that canvas covered damn it!
A few more sessions and the momentum of the actual act of painting changed. Sometimes it was slow and careful. Contemplative. Thoughtful. 
Ebb & flow.
My last session today was the most fun. I have been personally wondering many a thing about my life recently.. where I'm going with my work, what choices am I going to make for our future. Wondering about what's important and what the heck are we all doing anyway. What does it all mean!? I flipped a podcast on to my computer and something fell into place. It was "Up For a Chat" Episode 28: 'Am I Really Making a Difference?' The ladies on the podcast do a bit of soul searching and supporting of each other mentally as they ask some questions about life, talk about being human, being busy, tired, dealing with people, and trying to make sense of it all. (I am loving this podcast by the way- it feels like sitting around with like-minded friends.)
The meaning of a painting just comes out sometimes. Intentionally?
I picked up a notebook and wrote: "Finding Space..." with the intention of writing down a description of the piece I was working on. Then I felt I didn't need to write it down. There were so many directions that sentence-starter could have gone; and my pen couldn't keep up with the words as they raced along in my mind. So.. I decided it didn't matter. "Finding Space." Life.. work.. children... I think one can look at this and be aware of the contrast in their own lives and remember to seek out that space. Or just observe. The ebb & flow.

Finding Space. Acrylic & Pastel 19 1/2 x 23 1/2"