January 06, 2015

Catch Up & 2015 Manifesto

Gah! Poor old neglected blog! Oops..

Catch up:

I am currently enjoying a bit of down time during the summer school holidays. I have a few jobs nagging me to complete; but I am taking my time with them and slowing down to spend time with my children (who are currently placed in front of the tv!), to cook proper meals with love, and to float around the house dreaming of projects and slowly chipping away at old ones.

My teeth healing diet (see this post) came to a grinding halt with the acquisition of a lovely bout of pneumonia. Sarcasm implied. I am now awaiting a dentist appointment to fill my cavity the conventional way; but in the future I will continue to employ some of the protocols I learned whilst on the diet to try and prevent any future teeth issues.

I got a reminder of what the important things in life are when my precious Miss 6 acquired the pneumonia too. We managed to treat her naturally successfully and got her through the worst of it. With only a cough left, I succumbed to the doctors scary stories and begun her on antibiotics. My nerves could take it no longer! I am just thankful for all to be going well so far and am enjoying our return to health.

We have been out of action for a while!

I finally picked up the paint brushes last night for my regular Art Jam session with my friend. What a good feeling that was- even if I do feel a little out of practise!

And, floating around in my mind is the promise that another year of work, general home life, and routine is about to begin. To kick start my motivation & preparation I have decided to get involved with Jess Van Den's 30 Day Question challenge to help set me on the right course for the beginning of the working year. Question #5 is What will your business and life look like this time next year? (I will catch up with the other questions during the remainder of the month.)

So, here is my little visual manifesto. 

I will be healthy! I will do yoga regularly! My aim is to keep minimising grains, sugar and alcohol, whilst still enjoying life and finding scrumptious, filling, visually pleasing recipes for food. I need to boost my immune system! I felt a bit ripped off being healthy and getting pneumonia. BUT, perhaps I would've been in hospital on intravenous antibiotics if my system had've been a bit weaker? Whatever, I know I'm on the right path for me :) And I was out of action a few times in 2014 due to back issues, but yoga helps keep me strong and is great for prevention.

Family is the most important thing! Especially my gorgeous children who are the centre of my universe. We will have smiling faces and full souls at the end of 2015! Lots of effort and concentration will be on the people I love this year. Not much else really matters.

Paint! Paint! Paint! Less jewellery and more artwork. Stretched canvasses, big pots of colourful paint pots, stained clothes and finished works. I'm excited.

Craft! Items, art and sculptures will ooze out of my brain and manifest themselves into reality! How wonderful it is to create something that never existed before.

I will have grown. In confidence (hoping to feel even more comfortable in my own skin- I'm getting there!), in maturity, personally, and creatively. Yay!

I will have made new connections online and in real life with like minded, creative souls. Back before children I had a pretty good online network of people with similar styles to my own, and with my return to the art world I'm finding some old friends and new one's returning. It's exciting. 

I'm looking forward to a great year.