July 21, 2014

Decorating My Home

I love my home.

My aim is to fill it with colour. I constantly, and I mean constantly, dream up new ideas for decorating my home. Little projects (such as decorating my kitchen chalkboard) or bigger projects like painting walls or painting murals. And it's nice to think I can just take my time with this kind of thing. I think of this house as my forever house, so it's a lifetime project, not something I have to finish in a hurry. I think of my home like a big art project. To tweak and change and observe and dream. And I want it to inspire me. And with every addition that I do or every change I make it becomes more like the arty home I have always dreamt of having.

Apparently 'boho' is so in right now! I have loved the eclectic- bohemian- hippy- op-shop style for as long as I can remember. And I can't see that changing. Check my open kitchen shelves, see, told you I love colour!

My kitchen bay window (need more plants):

My bathroom wall in it's unfinished state: (need more mirrors- which I have but they need a revamp with paint, and I am going to paint in those plants on the wall beside the main mirror one day.)

And my studio. My studio is a part of my home, a little small for all of the stuff I have in there and my messy ways, but I am very grateful to have a studio at all. I love it. It's the heart of my home! My kids are (mostly) welcome in there and they have there own space and supplies. I can assure you I contend with many tiny pieces of wayward glitter in that room.

I don't spend a lot on home furnishings. Most of my stuff comes from trawling op shops. My studio desk is an old one my uncle rescued for me, and my computer is sitting on a cheap trestle table. Most of my things on the kitchen shelves display op shop finds or even target which surprises me sometimes with their cute dinner ware. I got one of my sewing machine desks for $2. Of course there are things I'd love to own that are pricey. Like this rug.. please universe, send me this rug! In the biggest size you've got! From Eco Chic. Totally in love with this rug.

We've only lived in this house for 4 short years, and have mainly been raising our young kids in that time. When we moved in our little misses were 2 years old and two months old. Now that they are getting bigger & more independent I am getting more done. And very much enjoying the process. We have lots of unfinished rooms.

I could take lots more photos of my house, but perhaps I'll save that for another post. Let me know if you'd like to see more! x